Grow your skills online with Learnable

Learnable is Studio Mesa’s flagship template built exclusively for Squarespace, featuring 30 launch-ready pages to showcase your brand online. Whether you’re teaching a pottery course, building a portfolio, or designing sites for non-profits, this template is for you.


Everywhere you look online, there’s a new person sharing their product, course, or idea… that could be you! Get started today and discover how Learnable can help you become the next Cool Person™ online.


Why we exist

Learnable helps people reach their fullest potential.


True Fulfillment

We empower individuals to pursue their passions and achieve goals, leading to a sense of purpose and fulfillment.

Online Visibility

We help people build their online presence and reach a wider audience, enhancing their visibility and impact in a chosen field.

More Energy

Learnable helps learners and leaders to stay motivated, energized, and inspired, enabling them to achieve their full potential.


Become a master at sharing your work.

Learnable helps you become a master at sharing your work through personalized coaching and courses, empowering you to build your brand and connect with your audience.



Sign up for a course.

Explore our range of expert-led courses designed to help you achieve your personal and professional goals, with interactive content, personalized feedback, and ongoing support. Take the first step towards unlocking your full potential today.


Join an exclusive cohort.

Connect with a community of like-minded learners and leaders, and benefit from peer-to-peer support, networking opportunities, and exclusive access to events and resources. Take advantage of our cohort-based learning approach!


Get a helpful community.

Join our community of learners and leaders and get access to a wealth of resources, tools, and expertise to help you achieve your goals and make a positive impact in the world. There’s no better time to make life-changing connections!

Meet the mentor

Mariko Eleanor
Creator of Learnable

Mariko Eleanor is the visionary creator behind Learnable, a leading online teaching platform that empowers individuals to unlock their full potential and achieve their goals. With her passion for education and innovation, Mariko has helped thousands of learners and leaders around the world to build their skills, share their gifts, and make a positive impact in their communities.

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Explore the shop for tools to expedite your journey.

Read the blog

Start your journey with our free content.

Explore our free blog content and discover a wealth of insights, tips, and inspiration from expert educators and thought leaders on a range of topics, from personal growth to entrepreneurship and creative arts. Join our community of learners and leaders and stay up-to-date with the best practices in online education.